RV Relationship Survival

The most often heard remark when people find out about our RV life is something like – My wife/husband and I would kill each other.

The most often heard remark when people find out about our RV life is something like: My wife/husband and I would kill each other.

Well, I cannot say the thought has not occasionally crossed my mind, but it crossed my mind long before we moved onto an RV. An RV hasn’t changed that we occasionally get aggravated with each other. We live in about two hundred and forty square feet. With a large dog. And with two cats. There is no way to do that without there sometimes being friction.

It’s been over a year we have been together practically twenty-four seven. So, I thought now would be a good time to share some of what we have learned about getting along in close quarters or our RV relationship Survival methods.

Remember why you picked each other.

When you are crammed together, and your companion starts to get on your nerves, it is time to remember all the wonderful qualities you originally saw in them. Are they kind? Thoughtful? Loyal? Or funny? Now is the time to remember what made you so excited to be with this person. It is also the time to remember, this, most likely is not worth getting angry about. If it truly is a problem for you, wait until later, then kindly explain how their habit or behavior affects you.

Have clear tasks or jobs that you each do.

In other words…stay out of the other person’s lane. If it is their job, then let them do it, however they like — okay, admittedly this one is difficult for me. Clearly you should be cross-trained. Either person should know what to do in an emergency, or if the other person can use a hand (after you ask). But let each person do their tasks their own way.

Make sure that you each get to do something you wanted.

It sounds silly. But sometimes you are so excited about a new location you end up running around, trying to do everything, except what each of you truly wanted to. Take your time. Make sure you get to do the thing or activity that is most important to each of you. There is no guarantee that the opportunity will come around again.

No Screaming.

You just would not believe what we have heard other couples yell at each other. It’s actually a great lesson in what not to do. You will encounter stressful situations at some point in your RV travels. Slow down. Be patient with each other. We find it helps to speak face -to-to face if we are having a problem, say, ummm like…parking the RV. Find out what the stressed person needs to relieve their pressure.

Say “you rock” sometimes

You are the only source of support for each other out there. Make sure to tell the other person when they do something awesome.

Always remember you are doing this to have fun.

Selfie of Janet and Ken at Sea Lion Caves
Elevator selfie
at Sea Lion Caves, Oregon

I suspect this type of togetherness is similar to having children. A bad or weak relationship is made worse but a good relationship grows stronger. Ken and I have survived the children and for us, the RV life is making our relationship stronger than ever.


If all fails, and you need a little alone time, here is my favorite tip. Unhitch the tow and drive alone for a while. Turn up your favorite music. Sing as loud as you want. Dance in the seat. Do it for however many miles it takes but usually about sixty is good for me.

These are some of our coping strategies. Do you have others? Leave a comment and share your RV relationship survival tips.

Always Grateful. 👫

Laissez les bons temps rouler!….Let the good times roll!

Does New Orleans live up to all the hoopla?

Ken and I have started out the new year on the road with our first stop in 👑New Orleans. Probably not the best choice when you have vowed to do better on your budget and your diet🎺🎶🍽 but it was in our path, so who could resist?

Does New Orleans live up to all the hoopla? We only stayed for three days but I’m all in. New Orleans is older than our country, filled with restaurants that have created (and continue to create) iconic foods such as Oysters Rockefeller, Bananas Foster, Po’Boys and Gumbo and overflowing with fantastic old buildings. If you are a foodie or history buff then NOLA is a must.

From NOLA, we continued west. There was a frightening experience in Vidor, Texas where we tried to overnight at a Walmart. We still aren’t sure what the motive was but we were harassed and followed out of town at 1:00 am. FYI: The police are little help until an actual crime has been committed. We didn’t feel like waiting around for that to happen. So, we followed our instincts and left. Thank goodness The Burrow was refueled before our stop and we were able to get far, far away from Vidor, Texas.

Our next stop was with long time friends and family in Austin. We love Austin and even though it was a quick visit, it was like old times with friends Tim & Kaye who were generous enough to let us driveway surf.

Other than a cold front that forced us to spend a couple of days in Van Horn, Texas and another stop to visit family in Scottsdale, we made an uneventful trip back in to Las Vegas (our West coast base).

So, here we go again. New adventures are calling. A little more RV savvy, a little less stressed and a lot more certain that this is where we want to be.

This year we intend to focus on economizing our travels. So stay tuned. We’ll be writing about some of the measures we are taking (including more boondocking 😬) and how effective they are. And, of course, we will be sharing photos of our stops and flops.

Always grateful. 👫

Are we done with RV Life?

Arrrrrgh! I have a first grandbaby to get to.

Is the traveling over for us?

Many emotions ran through our minds as we headed east and south to an annual family get together in Cedar Key, Florida. It’s the same feeling you get when your vacation has come to an end and it’s time to pack your gear and go. It’s sad. You want to stay and play but at the same time you miss the familiar and are excited to be back home.

It’s those familiar surroundings that are so enticing. Roads that you know every curve, every dip, and every stopping place. Restaurants where the food is always good. The ease of grocery shopping. And, getting all your favorite old products. Just knowing. The knowing, the familiar, wraps you like a warm blanket and a comfortable pair of old slippers. Home.

We spent two weeks visiting with family in Cedar Key, a tiny little island on the Florida Gulf Coast. The chance to do a little fishing, enjoy some food favorites, like stone crab and smoked mullet, were welcome entertainment. It was a great visit but was soon time to move further south to Ft. Lauderdale, where our first grandbaby was expected to arrive within the next couple of weeks.

The Burrow rolled down the Florida Turnpike and other feelings and remembrances started crowding our minds as the pace got more frenetic and shoved out the pleasant warm fuzzy emotions that we had harbored since the Florida/Alabama line. The traffic, the rudeness, the heat, the population, the acres of concrete. These are but a few of the reasons we wanted to leave in the first place.

Arrrrrgh! I have a first grandbaby to get to.

We are currently parked in South Florida. The weather is perfect. My new granddaughter is perfect. Visiting with my children, family and friends is perfect. It will be hard to go. But we will. We have been bitten by the travel bug.

Ken and I make plans for the kids to bring the new baby to us, maybe Oregon or Yosemite, someplace grand and inspiring that we would love for them to experience while sharing in our granddaughter’s growth. We make adjustments and changes. We figure it out.

Our time in South Florida is packed with RV modifications and upgrades, doctor appointments, figuring out our travel plans for 2019. And baby time. Lots of baby time because it will have to last for a while.

It’s time. It’s time for our kids to adjust to their new family life and time for Grandmama and Grandpa to go and dance under the harvest moon. Even though change is inevitable it doesn’t mean it’s easy but we will try to meet the changes with anticipation.

Cedar Key, Florida

Thank you everyone who has made our last year such a memorable one. We sincerely hope 2019 will be as much fun. Looking forward to show you where we are headed.

Always grateful.👫

We Have Squirrels!

I know that your first thought is literally we have squirrels in The Burrow but that is not the problem. I mean squirrels, as in, distractions.

We need to do laundry (because we are COMPLETELY out of clothes). But we will just wear dirty ones. We can’t miss those Roosevelt Elk.

Need to go pick up groceries? – Dinner is now boiled carrots, a can of tuna and ice cream. The sea otters, or sea lions (we aren’t sure which), will be playing in the lagoon at 7:00 PM. And we certainly cannot miss that.

Organize our departure route through possibly treacherous mountain passes? Are you kidding? We might miss the Sea Lion Caves.

And to top it all off – it does not get dark here until near nine o’clock at night. Arrrghhh!

This has become a particular problem in Oregon because, as we are finding out, they have been hiding their glorious state. There are countless outdoor adventures, huge variety in delicious foods, and stunning scenery — but unlike our beautiful Florida and recently visited California — it is not overrun with tourists. Plus, you are not even allowed to pump your own gas here; that is the gas attendant’s job. Who cannot get on board with that?

Scenic highway 101, Oregon

Squirrels are rampant here in Oregon. We both agree it is one of our favorite states to date and can’t wait to show you as we explore more of this delightful surprise.

Private beach picnic

For now though, it’s off to have a private picnic on a secluded beach. We have squirrels. And it’s a blast.

Always grateful. 👫

RV travel with your pet

It’s the dog!!!

Yes. The RV emergency is the dog. But today, the phrase “it’s the dog” is a good thing.

We returned from an early mountaintop visit, where we must go for all things electronic to function, and Ken and I proceeded to load the RV for heading out. Now, our usual routine is for me to secure the inside while Ken secures the outside. This morning was no different but what was different was the smell in the bedroom.

It was faint but I thought, distinct. That electronic burning smell. It seemed to be getting stronger near the floor.

No alarm was sounding but knowing I had three fur babies to get to safety if there was a problem prompted me to insist on some action before there was a fire and we all burned to a crisp.

I made Ken aware of our impending death in my usual fashion. That is, to pound on the window nearest his head and scream there is a problem. Ken immediately came in and started trying to puzzle it out while I unloaded cat carriers and prepared to abandon ship. Thinking we could all die in a blaze at any moment, I made Ken shut down our electric.

With all in readiness to leave The Burrow behind, we tried, by process of elimination, to figure out what could be happening. We agreed there was an odd burning smell. And it was centrally located on the back floor. But what? We checked everything we could think of. The smell didn’t seem to be getting worse, but neither was it better.

We hunted. We looked. Ken checked things. We sniffed. And we couldn’t pin down a thing.

Should we stay or should we go now?

Ken convinced me, reluctantly, we should proceed with our preparation to roll out so I shooed the animals from the bedroom to finish locking it down in there. The smell seemed better. The electric was off which only confirmed my worst fear.

Imagine my surprise when, as I got to the front of the RV, the smell came back. Sniff, sniff. Sniff. I think it’s coming from the couch. Is it? Could it be? Huh?

Ken was consulted. Sniff, sniff. Yes I believe it is. It’s the freaking DOG.

Joey the yellow Labrador plays on CA beach
Joey on CA beach

After some discussion, we realized Joey had been running and playing for over an hour in a forest that had burned sometime in the past. His paws were where the burning smell came from. We confirmed that the inside of Armadillo (the Jeep) smelled the same, I was so relieved. The RV emergency was over.

So, happy, happy, we don’t lose our home in an electrical fire today. I’m thrilled to say, while patting the big, goofy lug,…….It’s the dog.

Joey the yellow Labrador at Fort Morgan, Alabama
Our boy Joey at Fort Morgan, Alabama

Always grateful. 👫

Say “Thanks” to a Farmer.

The Pacific Northwest has been all we expected and more. Forty miles of towering redwoods give way to massive four-story high dunes in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area

A little glimpse and I almost forget that we aren’t home.

The Pacific Northwest has been all we expected and more. Forty miles of towering redwoods give way to massive four-story high dunes in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. A stroll along the docks in coastal towns like Florence, Oregon, where you can snag fresh tuna, salmon and Dungeness crab from the fishing boats. Meadows abound with majestic Roosevelt Elk. A giant cave filled with sea lions and pristine, secluded beaches, all made it hard to leave for new play places.

Oregon Coastal Sunset
Scenic Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Through the magnificent Columbia River Gorge we traveled to eastern Washington/Idaho where the views were vast rolling hills of wheat as far as you can see. It was harvest time, the end of summer and we watched as the farmers worked until evening’s last light to get the wheat harvested. The setting was so peaceful, we kept saying “let’s stay just one more day”.

Wheat Fields, Colfax, Washington

We did finally move on to experience the “weirdness” of Portland. Downtown is overflowing with historic buildings, restaurants and breweries all waiting to be tasted or explored. From the largest bookstore in the country to those Voodoo doughnuts, Portland did not disappoint.

Long Beach, Washington

Ken and I are having the time of our lives out here traveling. It is exciting to see new things and to explore areas of the country that are so different from Florida. But while exploring the differences, there are moments; a shaded trail; a glimpse of a palm tree out a restaurant window; a farmhouse, when I forget that we are thousands of miles from our home state. There is a little “oh!” moment, a jolt of homesickness when the realization hits that it’s not home we are seeing.

These are small moments of sadness scattered throughout the joys we experience daily. But the small moments are overshadowed too by our commonalities. We travel the backroads and see differences but many more likenesses. From the fishermen and farmers, the RVers and campers, and the moms and dads, whom we all share the goals of love and happiness, health and safety, and it is a comforting realization.

Say “thanks” to a farmer today.

Click here for our latest video of Oregon:

Always grateful. 👫

Healthcare on the Road

Life happens.

As much as I would love to post about another stunning National Park visit or fabulous meal in a chic new city, the reality this week is less exciting. It is however, reality, no matter where you live. But healthcare on the road is a little more difficult to manage.

Stress Catches Up

We’re sick. Not only, like most our age, ongoing medical issues that we routinely monitor but one of those mysterious maladies that put you to bed. We suspect the stress of last week’s wheel situation left immunity low.

We still have to deal with the same issues even though our healthcare is provided while we are on the road. Our doctors didn’t follow us on our trip. A return to South Florida for routine tests required some schedule juggling and a few plane flights to get us both home for our necessary appointments and provide a care giver for our fur babies. And Ken still had to go to urgent care in Las Vegas after our return.

A lot of extra effort was required to make this all happen but it worked. For that I’m happy.

Have a Mobile Healthcare Plan

My point to all this is…..have a medical plan. Do your research and make decisions about how to manage your medical care while traveling. Some questions to ask..

Janet in a wheelchair
Torn ACL forces Janet into a wheelchair
Some Questions to Ask

Does your credit card or RV insurance offer additional protection in an emergency?
How will you handle annual, ongoing and routine care?
Where will you get your prescriptions filled?
Will you need travelers insurance if your itinerary includes Canada or Mexico?
Where will you go for an emergency?
If you are traveling with your pets, who will take care of them if you are hospitalized?

It will be time well spent to do your research if you are considering a lengthy RV or car trip.

You Can do This

We are loving our new life (most days). There are plenty of hacks, apps and electronic helpers in place to make a mobile lifestyle do-able even with special medical circumstances. Make an advance plan and know how you will deal with ongoing or sudden issues.

Don’t be daunted by health care if traveling will make you happy. Being happy is a big step toward mental and physical well-being.

Always grateful. 👫

RV Repair Failure

Pull off the road NOW! The tire is about to go.”

This is not what you want to be screaming into a radio as you start the last leg of your itinerary. And this wasn’t simply a flat tire. No, nothing as simple as that. We had the flat tire the day before. This was much worse. This was a serious RV repair failure that left us shaking in our boots.

One of the problems with RV travel is finding reputable companies when you need work done on your home. This incident was a hard lesson. We are safe. Thank goodness. But we will never let anyone touch the wheels of The Burrow again without checking their work before we pull out. This RV repair failure nearly cost us our home, our pets and our lives.

A rear tire sheared off the lug bolts of the Bigfoot as we were traveling down a busy Interstate 15 between Barstow, California and Las Vegas. We think but cannot prove it happened because of loose lug nuts. We had just had a tire replaced and pulled out of the shop. Had only traveled about 15 miles down the road.

Our Lucky Day

Had just a couple of things been different, we might have had a different outcome. We were not towing Armadillo, which was fortunate. And, we were using two-way radios that allowed rapid communication. Ken was able to move off the road as the first wheel came off — that went flying into the desert — and stopped just before the second one could come off the axle. The tow truck driver suggested, since we had been so lucky that day, that we run out and buy lotto tickets.

We will learn from this very frightening experience and I hope that by sharing, you will too. Check the torque on the lug nuts. Check tire pressures. We are considering installing cameras inside and out for when we must leave our home in someone else’s care. We have to live always on guard. Or, as in this case, guard against putting our lives in danger from malfeasance. Unfortunately, that reality continues even with our new RV lifestyle.

Be aware

This blog post is not meant to frighten you but to make you aware and help you to avoid a serious roadside emergency.

Bitsy and Butter were incredibly frightened but settled down after we moved into a hotel. And, after I quit shaking like a leaf, it was nice to be pampered for a few days with unlimited hot water, breakfast every morning and someone else to clean the room.

We found a couple of quirky little things to do in Barstow while we waited for parts from Los Angeles. Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch on Route 66 was pretty neat and Calico Ghost Town was well, eerie.

We are especially today….Always grateful. 👫

Rusted Jeep surrounded by bottle trees