On Our Road to Bliss

Cottonwood seeds float on a gentle breeze as the waters of the Deloris River ripple past. It’s a balmy 72 degrees and the sun is shining. You hear young girls laughing in the distance. You see them next, braving the chilly waters as they ride their raft downriver on a swift current. This is where we currently are on our Road to Bliss.

Birds flit through dappled shade, off to tend newly feathered fledglings. Deer step to the waters’ edge for a cool drink. The day is crystal clear. Perfect. I want to hug it close and never let go.
Unexpected Surprises

Ken and I feel privileged to spend time in some awe inspiring places. National Parks that portray the majesty of our country. State Parks and forests that protect some of our country’s greatest treasures. But perfect days, those come unexpectedly. Those are the days you want to bottle like fireflies. To tuck away for safekeeping until they can be savored again in the winter years of life.

Perfect days or moments pop up in tiny towns throughout our travels. These small towns struggle valiantly to get you to see them. They beg you to stop and experience the town through their eyes. They beckon with natural resources, creativity, and sometimes even with a little bit of gonzo and flair. The results can often be more perfect than they know.
A Delightful Carousel
A special day could be at the historic 1909 carousel in Albany, Oregon where children and adults ride wooden, hand carved zebra, bison, a giant frog, or other fantastical menagerie. Where the community has come together as volunteers to create this one special, beautiful thing that everyone and anyone can enjoy because the last ride of the day is always free.

Other times, we find these moments in an outstanding restaurant like Little Brown Hen in Florence, Oregon or Little Gretel in Boerne, Texas. Many come to mind. Places where the chef/owners take pride and pleasure in serving mouthwatering and memorable food.

Flower Farms & Festivals
There are flower farms like Schreiner’s Iris in Salem, Oregon or Purple Haze Lavender in Sequim, Washington that work all year to open their businesses to offer you a day of meandering garden delight. Imagine musicians playing and flowers perfuming the air as you sip wine and stroll acres of floral beauty.
Read here about our visit to Sequim and the Lavender Festival.

More to Find
Hot springs, ghost towns, festivals, historic hotels, market days, swan boats or a simple meal by the campfire. You never know where your perfect moment will happen.

Conveyance for Finding Your Bliss
This is what traveling in an RV is. It is the conveyance for finding your bliss. Your perfect moment. Your perfect day. If you slow down and look, it is there in offerings from small towns across the country. Towns that may never have been discovered if you flew over them on your way to that other, fabulous destination.
There is an RV for every age, ability, price and comfort level. Have you ever dreamed about what it would be like? Would RVing be hard? Expensive? Can I (we) do it? It is worth exploring as an option. Everyone deserves to find their bliss and to tuck away some perfect moments. Maybe yours can be found in the destinations you uncover while traveling in an RV.
Always grateful.👫

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