Is the traveling over for us?
Many emotions ran through our minds as we headed east and south to an annual family get together in Cedar Key, Florida. It’s the same feeling you get when your vacation has come to an end and it’s time to pack your gear and go. It’s sad. You want to stay and play but at the same time you miss the familiar and are excited to be back home.
It’s those familiar surroundings that are so enticing. Roads that you know every curve, every dip, and every stopping place. Restaurants where the food is always good. The ease of grocery shopping. And, getting all your favorite old products. Just knowing. The knowing, the familiar, wraps you like a warm blanket and a comfortable pair of old slippers. Home.
We spent two weeks visiting with family in Cedar Key, a tiny little island on the Florida Gulf Coast. The chance to do a little fishing, enjoy some food favorites, like stone crab and smoked mullet, were welcome entertainment. It was a great visit but was soon time to move further south to Ft. Lauderdale, where our first grandbaby was expected to arrive within the next couple of weeks.
The Burrow rolled down the Florida Turnpike and other feelings and remembrances started crowding our minds as the pace got more frenetic and shoved out the pleasant warm fuzzy emotions that we had harbored since the Florida/Alabama line. The traffic, the rudeness, the heat, the population, the acres of concrete. These are but a few of the reasons we wanted to leave in the first place.
Arrrrrgh! I have a first grandbaby to get to.
We are currently parked in South Florida. The weather is perfect. My new granddaughter is perfect. Visiting with my children, family and friends is perfect. It will be hard to go. But we will. We have been bitten by the travel bug.
Ken and I make plans for the kids to bring the new baby to us, maybe Oregon or Yosemite, someplace grand and inspiring that we would love for them to experience while sharing in our granddaughter’s growth. We make adjustments and changes. We figure it out.
Our time in South Florida is packed with RV modifications and upgrades, doctor appointments, figuring out our travel plans for 2019. And baby time. Lots of baby time because it will have to last for a while.
It’s time. It’s time for our kids to adjust to their new family life and time for Grandmama and Grandpa to go and dance under the harvest moon. Even though change is inevitable it doesn’t mean it’s easy but we will try to meet the changes with anticipation.

Thank you everyone who has made our last year such a memorable one. We sincerely hope 2019 will be as much fun. Looking forward to show you where we are headed.
Always grateful.👫