Affordable RV Travel

Pssst. Want to know how to save? Read our tips for Affordable RV Travel

Ken recently read an article that left us shaking our heads. The topic was the high expense of RV’ing and how it really is not as affordable as people think. We started discussing it and decided on sharing the topic of Affordable RV Travel with our readers. This blog post is primarily directed to people who are traveling full-time in an RV or considering full-time living. However, if you are a vacation RV’er or weekend camper, keep reading. We can all use a little extra money in our pockets.

Ken and I try to keep our expenses equal to one Social Security check. We try. This ensures we are living below our means and we have enough tucked back for emergencies. Emergencies happen. Stress is minimized when you are prepared.

Pick Your RV Carefully

Bigfoot logo with reflection in glass
Our Bigfoot with reflection in the window

This is where you can lose money quickly and could be an entire blog post by itself, so do your homework. Ken and I decided to buy used because we were n0t sure we would like the RV life. The idea was that if not, then we wouldn’t have much invested when it was time to quit.

We narrowed our choices down to a few manufacturers and pursued them throughout the country. Our future rolling home was located in Corpus Christie, Texas. We flew there, decided to buy our Bigfooot, and arranged to return at a later date for her transport to Florida. These are the bare minimum suggestions we have.

Finding and Purchasing Your RV

  • Thoroughly research the seller. Whether an individual or company, it is a good idea to find out who you are dealing with. Our first sale fell through because the seller unreasonably wanted us to travel cross country with all cash for the purchase.
  • Have the RV inspected. If you are not RV savvy, (don’t worry, you will get there) there are businesses who will inspect the RV before you buy. Don’t be afraid to make your sale contingent on an inspection report. Camping World offers this service and we used them but don’t fall down the rabbit hole of getting them to do the repairs.
  • Expect additional costs to repair items needing attention or updating.
  • Choose a domicile state for tags, insurance, etc. Some are more friendly to RV’ers than others.

Getting on the Road

One of the first realizations we made after getting underway is that full-time RVing has the potential to get expensive. I looked at Ken one day and said “we have got to do something to get a handle on this. We can’t sustain this level of spending”. Our park costs were killing us. An average cost of $35.00 a night (good luck) equals $245.00 per week before the addition of taxes. Roughly $1000.00 per month. In addition, RV parks are tacking on additional charges for pets, extra people, resort fees, and other special add-on charges.

After some research, we decided to dip our toes into the waters of Thousand Trails membership with a zone pass. For about $550.00 per year in dues, plus $49.00 per region, we could camp in any Thousand Trails park for two weeks at a time. We then would have to leave for 1 week before returning back to a park in our zone. We could continue to go in and out for the entire year at no cost other than the costs for that one week out, and the initial dues and region costs. (This worked out to 35 weeks for the annual dues and region cost, and 17 weeks we had to pay elsewhere).

View of Thousand Trails Lake Tawakoni
View from RV window of Thousand Trails Lake Tawakoni


We were hooked and found our secret to Affordable RV Travel. I know that Thousand Trails is not everyone’s cup of tea. But if, like us, you enjoy a more wooded setting (most Thousand Trail parks), good locations, activities, and almost FREE camping, then we feel some of the complaints can be overlooked. Ken and I have since upgraded our membership on the resale market at Campground Membership Outlet. This allows us to camp park-to-park for a three-week stay at a time, without leaving for the week out, albeit we do have to move to a different park at the end of the three-week stay.

Cost Breakdown Membership vs. A’la Carte

$ 35.00 – Average per night
x 140 – nights
$4900.00 – 140 Campground Chgs.
– $2700.00 – TT Membership
$4900.00 – Total Campground Chgs. $2200.00 – Savings
Savings in the 1st year based on 140 nights of camping in Thousand Trails vs. Commercial campground

In 3 months we paid back the cost of our membership and the more days you stay in Thousand Trails each year, the cheaper it gets. During our week out, before we upgraded, we discovered more ways to save.

More Ways to Save on Stays

  • Fairgrounds and Expo Centers often have RV parks for a lower rate than commercial parks. They also can sometimes be free of taxes because they are government owned. This is helpful in high tax states. We have a list of favorites including beautiful, downtown Santa Barbara, California at their Earl Warren Showgrounds.
  • Stay a week or month to get reduced rates. Staying just 1 or 2 nights is the most expensive way to travel. Most commercial parks give a price break for weekly and monthly stays.
  • Hipcamp is a source for finding reduced cost camping. It works like Airbnb that anyone who has a space to rent, can. Be aware of any service fees before you book.
  • National parks, state and county parks can be a real cost savings but are sometimes booked up well in advance and may have extremely small size limits.
  • BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land is usually free but is probably boondocking. We don’t do this often because of our pets, Butter and Joey. With no services, there is no air conditioning for them.
  • There are several apps and memberships that are free or can be purchased, at minimal annual cost, to get a free or reduced stay. Harvest Host, Passport America, Park Advisor and Good Sam are a few we keep on hand.

So Much to See

Here is the hard part. Just slow down. Literally and figuratively. There are times that you need to move quickly over many miles. Try to keep those long, fast moves to a minimum. It is not a race. If you do the math you will see the benefit of taking your time.

At 8 mpg and $2.19 per gallon (national average per AAA), it will cost approximately $1,000 to drive from Key West, Florida (southernmost point of the Continental US) to Cape Flattery, Washington (northwesternmost point of the Continental US), or a distance of approximately 3600 miles.


As you can see in the previous example, making a moving budget is imperative to keeping your costs under control. Keep your total monthly miles within the limits you set. We try to keep our moves to 1 per month, and only move approximately 250 to 300 miles. In this way, we keep our fuel costs under $100.00 monthly.

It is hard when first getting started. You want to race from one great place to another. If you are limited in time and have the finances, then certainly go for it. But if you slow down, you may find your Road to Bliss and enjoy more Affordable RV Travel.

I’m Here – Now What?

You finally get to your destination and you can’t wait to go see it all. If you just run out and do that, you could blow your whole week’s budget in one night. Here is where research and patience pays off.

Savings on Fun

  • Drive to the local Chamber of Commerce or Visitor Center and get literature. What looks good or interesting to you? Did you see something really great while on your tour of the town? Next….
  • Check Groupon or Living Social for any big ticket items that you might be interested in. It could be dining out or sightseeing tours, glass blowing classes or museums. These digital coupons can be huge savings.
  • If you don’t already own one, buy a National Park Pass for $80.00 annually or if you are over 62, $80.00 for a lifetime pass. If you stay in one state long enough, it can be cost-effective to buy their annual pass as well.
  • Dining out can be pricey so cook at home and use the local farmer’s markets for some of the best produce around. Pack picnics for your explorations. You can eat for a week on what one, nicer dining experience costs.
  • Replace dining out with ice cream or coffee. It will be a fourth of the cost but you still get to enjoy the ambiance of main street, municipal gardens, or maybe a beautiful casino.
  • Go online and look up free things to do in the area. It is amazing what is available. Museums, farm tours (with delicious tastings), flower festivals, winery tours, local events, historical and quirky sites. Atlas Obscura is a great place to find the zany and unusual.
  • Go hiking, biking, canoeing, snorkeling or whatever you like and are capable of. This country offers loads of outdoor experiences for free. Alltrails is a great resource for finding great choices and options.
  • Don’t go anywhere. Just enjoy the park you paid for. A campfire with s’mores, a float down a river, pool, or puzzles. Most campgrounds offer something both relaxing and enjoyable.

The Best RV Buy Ever

We started out with stars in our eyes just like most of you will too. Very quickly though my starry eyes turned demon red when it came time to do the laundry. Public laundromats are dirty no matter how clean they try to keep them. Some RV parks don’t even try. Washers can hold residue from sand to pet hair, and more. You get the idea. They cost anywhere from $1.50 to $3.00 per load and another $1.50 to $3.00 to get them dry.

washers in laundromat

So, $6.00 a load, a load you had to mix colors for a full tub, can easily cost $20.00 to $30.00 a week. Yikes!!! That adds up when you are penny pinching.

You are fortunate if you have an onboard wash and dryer and if you haven’t purchased your RV yet, may want to consider it as a necessary item. But, sigh, many of us don’t. Here is my solution.

Della portable washer

The Della portable washing machine is lightweight and small enough to carry in our storage compartment. I use mine outdoors but it can be used inside the shower if necessary. This machine paid for itself in just 12 short weeks at an average $20.00 per week. I have been washing with it for close to 2 years now and it is still running like a champ. For me, it has been my best RV purchase ever.

Live Your Best Life

Ken and I feel like we are living our best life. We use the above strategies so that we are able to go more, see more, and do more. I hope we have given you the confidence to consider the RV lifestyle in spite of financial misgivings. There are ways to do anything you want. How badly do you want it?

Until next week…..

Always grateful. 👫

Tips and Links

Moab, Utah

4×4 Playground and more

Where Jeeps Go to Play

Armadillo parked at the entrance to Arches National Park in Moab, Utah

I had heard of Moab, Utah but never was it at the top of my list of places to visit. Anyone who drives a Jeep, though, knows that Moab is where Jeeps go to play. But Ken and I are Florida babies and enjoy trees, water, and woods that deserts do not have in abundance. Still, when our route to Yellowstone put Moab, Utah in our path, we had to stop.

First, Moab is the town that Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Parks is near. People say Moab to refer to the area but there is no Moab National Park. Unless you are camping on BLM land or in one of the national parks, you will be camping in the town.

Moab is Looking Promising

Map of route from Delores Colorado to Moab, Utah

We arrived from southern Colorado via US Route 191. This is an easy route that at one time in our country’s history was a spur on a major highway (Route 91) from California to Canada. We started seeing fantastical rock formations along the highway. There are stripped turbans that look like Russian onion domes. Minarets standing alone in open fields. Sweeping arches and windows carved into the sides of mountains. Moab, Utah was starting to look a little more interesting.

Russion onion dome shaped rock on route to Moab, Utah

It is hard to make a pleasant RV park in the desert, but Moab Rim Campark manages a fairly nice landing spot. Town is an eclectic mix of restaurants and shops, breweries and tour operators. The town is historic, inviting, and walk-able. Imagine a western desert town where everything, including the buildings, seems to be red dirt. This is Moab.

Arches National Park is a short five miles down the road from town, So after setting up the RV, Ken and I jumped in Armadillo, our Jeep Wrangler, for a sunset ride through Arches. It is a real treat when you are close enough to enjoy sunrise or sunset in a national park.

Our Sunset Ride

The entrance to Arches is quite dramatic. You climb the mountain face on a switchback road. (Road is on the mountain behind Jeep in the first blog picture.) Everyone ahead and behind you is visible because it is solid rock. There are no trees. The cars look like ants going to and fro from their nest. I made the mistake of looking down the mountain, swallowed hard, and faced forward from then on.

Entrance to Park Avenue hike  Arches National Park in Moab, Utah
Park Avenue, Arches National Park

It didn’t take long before we were greeted with the first spectacular view, Park Avenue. Park Avenue is a one-mile trail through a canyon that towers with some of the parks most well known monoliths. The Courthouse Towers, the Three Gossips, the Tower of Babel, all famously photographed, can be viewed on this trail as well as some outstanding fins (thin-walls of rock).

example of fin rock formations, Arches National Park in Moab, Utah
Rock formations called fins

It is always amazing to me that each park we visit, while similar, is so different. The colors, the formations, the stunning views. Just when you think it will be repetitive, you are surprised and awed yet again. Does everyone’s heart swell when they see these beautiful sights? Ken and I continue to be delighted over and over.

Sunset at Parade of Elephants, Arches National Park, in Moab, Utah
Parade of Elephants – The Windows Section, Arches National Park

Rafting, Hiking and Picnics

Whitewater rafting Colorado River, Moab , Utah
Whitewater rafting on the Colorado River – Break time

Our stay in Moab is filled with hikes to the famous arches, nature’s frames to stunning landscapes. Some are visible from a car pullout but others may require a short hike. Still others require a strenuous hike. They are worth every step it takes to view them. There are over two thousand documented arches in the park. Some are large. Some are small. But each is perfect.

We enjoyed a tame whitewater rafting trip on the Colorado River with an evening picnic under starry skies. We hiked Canyonlands National Park and the scenery is just as jaw-dropping as Arches.

Canyonlands National Park in Moab, Utah
Pine Tree arch, Arches National Park in Moab, Utah
Pine Tree Arch

Moab, Utah is famous for its Jeep safaris, off-road courses, whitewater rafting, dinosaur tracks and the stunning arches and canyons. It is a destination that I’m glad we didn’t miss. I do wish we had planned a little more time.

Continuing Precautions

Covid precautions continue to play a large part in the decisions we make. From activities we do, to what time we do them, and where we camp, Covid is forefront on our minds. We continue to see what we can see and do what we can do to the best of our abilities. Traveling in the RV taught me very quickly that we will never see it all and we are too old to do it all. But there is plenty still to experience and we try to pack in as much as our short time on this beautiful earth will allow.

Resting after hike in Canyonlands National Park, Moab Utah

Till next week. We are…

Always Grateful. 👫

Tips and Links

Moab is hot. If you cannot tolerate the heat then be sure to visit during the shoulder season, March through May or September through October. There are plenty of hotels in the town and several RV parks. All services from groceries to restaurants are available and there is a good organic co-op. A dinosaur land is near the entrance to Canyonlands and would be perfect for young ones. If you are comfortable driving the twists and turns at night, a night of stargazing should be on your list to do. There are dozens of tour operators for anything you may want to try and most operators have an easy level for older, younger or beginners.


Our Wallydocking story

Shift in thinking

It has been on my mind to write about this for a while. The incident I’m going to share happened last year and changed our thoughts about our overnight stays when on the road. I do not want to frighten anyone. I am not trying to cast a bad light on Walmart, or Wallydocking. The ability for weary travelers to pull in and sleep at participating Wallmart locations is a boon. But here is why we will not be utilizing their generosity anymore.


It is not necessary for this blog post, nor do I do think it is prudent to share our methods of self-defense. However, I will say Ken is a military brat and Vietnam combat veteran. I’m a Florida Saltwater Cracker.  Neither of us has any aversion to defending ourselves.

Happy Valentine’s Day❤️️

Map location of Vidor, Texas
Vidor, TX location – between Louisiana and Beaumont, TX

On February 14th we pulled into Walmart at Vidor, Texas around eight o’clock in the evening. Walmart management required us to park in a certain area of the lot so we motored to that side. Ken parked with the driver’s side along the curb, leaving about ten parking spaces in front of us to the next curb that formed the corner.

When we entered the Walmart parking lot we saw a battered, black pickup truck with writing all over it proclaiming God, guns, and country. We mentioned the truck to each other but otherwise, ignored it. I will say now that it is always a bad idea to ignore gut instincts and red flags.🚩

Per the usual routine, Ken and I went into the Walmart to pickup a quick dinner. It was Valentine’s Day so we went to the card isle, made our selections for each other and exchanged them. (Yes, the aisle exchange is how we give cards to each other now. After we exchange and read the cards, we put them back on the shelf. It is another expense cutter for Affordable RV Travel. Our spending and celebration complete, we went back to the Burrow to have our dinner and settle in for the night.

Too close for comfort

At around eleven pm we heard a car pull up directly beside our entry door. It seemed odd that someone needed to pull up so close beside us when we were the only RV in the parking lot. Ken opened the door and stuck his head out to be certain that everything was okay and saw a truck with two men sitting inside the cab. The men looked at him and said, “What do you want?”. Ken explained that he was just checking to make sure everything was okay. The men told Ken, in a threatening voice, to “Get back in your RV and mind your own business.”.

Oooookay.  We looked at each other, our danger meter ratcheting a little higher. We decided it was probably a drug deal and they were using our RV as a shield from the road.  Just let it go we decided, and they will probably be on their way in just a few minutes.

We were wrong

Soon after, another truck pulled up. This drug deal seemed to be taking a really long time. Ken decided to check our backup camera to make sure the bikes we carry on the Jeep were not being stolen.

Bikes carried on Jeep tire rack
Bikes carried on Jeep tire rack

To utilize the backup camera, the engine must be running.  As soon as Ken started the engine, one of the trucks immediately pulled in front of us at a horizontal angle and blocked us.  This completely hemmed us in and blocked our ability to leave — you cannot back up with a tow vehicle attached.  The danger level now sky-rocketed and Ken reached for the phone to call 911.

911 What is your emergency?

If you have ever had to call 911 then you may have experienced what we did. Since Vidor is a small town, they share the 911 switchboard with other small towns. This means the 911 operator has no idea where you are if you say, for instance, the Vidor Walmart. The operator didn’t seem to understand what the threat was. Ken had to keep repeating what was happening. We were growing completely frustrated with 911.

The truck with the two men in it then turned floodlights onto our RV which enabled them to see our movements through the blinds. At this point, I brought our dog Joey to sit down in the rear of the RV, on the floor, to make myself a smaller target.

The 911 operator dispatched the police but before they arrived, the truck beside us left. The truck in front who had been blocking our forward movement, pulled into a space correctly. End of scary story? Not even close.

The cavalry has arrived – wrong

The police department arrived, listened to our complaint and then proceeded to treat us like idiots. Like we were being alarmists. But if you know Ken and I, you know that we don’t rattle so easily. The police spoke to the person in the truck which had parked in front of us. The woman claimed that she too was camping in the parking lot and that the two “gentlemen” were checking on her safety. What a load of bull…..t. We realized it was the graffiti truck. The one advertising their love of God, guns, and country. Apparently God is okay with liars.

The police told us that she was the local crazy lady. That we shouldn’t be concerned about her at all. No one had an explanation for the two men who threatened us or why the local crazy lady needed to sleep in the Walmart parking lot. Crazy lady had committed no crime, therefore, the police could not do anything. They also implied that we were being ridiculous to be afraid of a crazy lady.

We asked the police to have “crazy lady” move her truck and at approximately twelve am, we threw things into sinks and cabinets and rolled out.

Where is Bitsy?

We were about 1 mile from the interstate on-ramp, on a four-lane highway, through the middle of Vidor. Everything had happened so fast. The animals were anxious. I looked around and couldn’t find Bitsy, our oldest kitty. I panicked and made Ken pull over into a large, strip mall parking lot so I could locate her.

And guess what?  It still wasn’t over.

The graffitied truck with the “crazy lady” followed us.  We watched as she passed by and turned into a gas station about a quarter-mile down the road as we pulled over into the parking lot.  Thank goodness Ken suspected her behind us and was paying attention.   I located Bitsy. Ken called 911, once again.

Our cat
Our old girl – Bitsy. Passed this year.

Maybe the police will believe us now

As we waited for the police to arrive, the truck came past us in the opposite direction, turning into another business about a quarter-mile past.  We clearly saw her.

The police arrived and again scoffed at us. Of three officers, two didn’t believe she was following us at all. We laid out several scenarios where we may be the targets of a hit-and-run, theft, or worse. We are from south Florida for goodness sake. These kind of things happen all the time down there. Texas is an open carry state. “Crazy lady” could shoot us as well as anyone else and we said so. And they continued to dismiss the two men as irrelevant.

Now we are angry

Janet's angry face

Again, the police said, “she has not committed any crimes.”. We understood that. We were both angry and disheartened by their dismissal. One officer did, however, offer to let us stay at the police station parking lot.

 We thanked the officers but let them know we felt it was prudent to leave their lovely town. They left and we proceeded to pull out.

Before we even made it out of the parking lot, the “crazy lady” who loves God, her country, and guns, came into the parking lot, driving directly at us.  Almost as if she wanted to play chicken.  Ken gunned the RV and we kept going.  Immediately after we got out of the parking lot, we saw the blue lights and the police pulled her over.  Finally.

Adrenaline fueled night

We didn’t stop. Not at the next town. Or the town after. Ken continued to drive through the night. He drove through downtown Houston and we didn’t stop until the adrenaline wore off and there were enough miles between us and Vidor, Texas.

We may have been targets of racism. It is what Ken and I suspect. After a small amount of research, we found that Vidor, Texas indeed had and may still have a reputation for racism and hate.

That is the story.  Now that we have had time to digest the situation a little better, I would like to give a few tips to anyone who will be boondocking at Walmart, or anywhere else.

What we did right

gas pump
  • The RV had a full tank of gas.  We had been on the road all day and the tendency is to stop, then wait until first thing in the morning to fuel up.  We don’t wait anymore.   We were able to get on the Interstate and keep moving for as far and fast as necessary.
  • We had permission from Walmart to be there.  I always call and check.  This gave us a small amount of credibility with the police officers.
  • We did not make ourselves at home by placing anything outside, opening any slides, etc..

What we did wrong

whiteboard with address
Whiteboard with current address
  • When we parked, we pulled up next to the curb.  That left us no where to pull out but to the front and right. Our position left us vulnerable to their blocking maneuvers. If you are going to overnight in a parking lot, leave plenty of space forward and on both sides of you.
  • Telling 911, Walmart in Vidor, was not enough. Always have a physical address in case of emergency. A white board is at our entry door now where we write the address of any location where we overnight.
  • Parking the RV under a parking lot flood light may have discouraged them.

Some considerations

  • You are not in a stick-and-brick home. My point? Gunfire would have gone straight through thin RV walls with no protection.
  • Police can do nothing unless a crime has been committed. You are an outsider in any town. Police will treat your claims with skepticism.
  • Gun laws vary from state-to-state and unless you spend a lot of time studying them you won’t know what is legal. Waiting until someone enters your domicile puts you at a distinct disadvantage.
  • And finally, you are sitting on top of gallons of gas and propane.  Even if some idiot with a gun had no intention of directing a shot at your person, their stupidity could still kill you.

I loved being able to rely on Walmart when we were moving from one location to another.  Now we use Harvest Host and Passport America to fill in the gaps.  We may use Walmart again if the circumstances warrant it.  But I know I won’t ever be able to relax and sleep soundly if we are Wallydocking.

selfie at Mesa Verde
At Mesa Verde National Park

Stay safe and happy travels.  Till next week…

Always grateful.👫

Covid and Summer RV Travel

Shelter in place is over but how do we move around the country safely? How to navigate covid and summer RV travel.

Quarantine at Thousand Trails Medina Lake has been pleasant. We have enjoyed the wildlife, trails, and atmosphere. Temperatures are rising lately and people are becoming frustrated with distancing rules. Face masks are second thoughts if at all.

Deer at Thousand Trails Medina Lake
Deer at rest in Thousand Trails Medina Lake

Get Ready for covid and summer RV Travel

It’s time for a change. Time to get rolling and start living our traveling lifestyle again. We started talking about leaving quarantine safety and realized traveling using our typical routine was not going to work. The four of us, traveling as a tribe in two RVs, put our heads together and came up with a safe traveling plan. Here are our tips for a safer Covid and Summer RV Travel.

Plan your destinations

We love dining out, visiting historical buildings, museums, and enjoying all types of city attractions. This year, we are avoiding indoor activities and focusing on hiking and canoeing. With that in mind, we looked closely at the available outdoor activities in the areas that interested us. We needed answers for these and other questions.

Armadillo with canoe
summer and covid RV travel
Armadillo ready for new adventures
  • Are the state parks open for visiting?  Camping?
  • What is open to do in the National Parks in these area?
  • What about Bureau of Land Management (BLM) areas and State forests?
  • Are dump stations open?

Many answers can be found on the state websites with jurisdiction for that park. A great starting point is Wikipedia. The Wikipedia site provides information on State Parks in each individual state. It includes an interactive map and is a good first stop in your planning research. State Park List

For National Parks and Monuments, the National Parks System provides you options by State. Choose a state from a drop down list. A list of all National Parks and Monuments for that state will open. Some National Parks even have apps available for download to your smartphone. National Parks & Monuments

To learn about the many varied activities available on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land, the Bureau provides listings by state. Bureau of Land Management

If your decision is to be a little bolder, you may want to try restaurants, bars and other more crowded venues. A quick call will verify the business is open and ready to serve you; most restaurants are now offering curbside pickup, delivery, and dine-in. We are trying to find restaurants with outdoor patios.

Plan Your Route

RV Trip Wizard planning software for safely navigating covid and summer RV travel
Planning the first leg of our journey

After the destination has been decided, it is time to plan your route. This year takes a little more consideration. Here are a few examples of the type of questions you may want to ask.

  • Are quarantine rules in place for arrival from a different state?
  • Will restaurants and non-essential services be open?
  • Is the RV park you would like to go to taking new reservations?

This link will tell you how each state is currently handling the Covid19 pandemic and what services are partially or fully open. Covid19 Guidelines by State

After determining state guidelines, you can decide to stay or not. Please be sure to follow each state’s safety guidelines – or yours if they are more stringent.

Plan your expected activities

Some people enjoy sitting by the campfire or stargazing. Some enjoy dining out at new places. Other people love a strenuous hike or bike ride. Whatever comes to mind as perfect camping for you, make sure, through research, you will be able to do it and what special requirements you need to follow.

By making advance arrangements, we were able to enjoy a lovely dinner of Tafel Spitz prepared by chef/owner Denise at our favorite restaurant, Little Gretel in Boerne, Texas. It was a wonderful evening with great food, great friends, and in a lovely outdoor patio setting. If you are in the Austin/San Antonio area, be certain not to miss this restaurant.

Plan and make your reservations

We are living in different times. Ken and I don’t usually bother with reservations. Now, reservations and confirmations are necessary for each leg of your journey. Here are a few tips.

  • Call the campground to make your reservation.  You can ask if there are any special operating procedures and what amenities may be open or closed.  Some campgrounds are using a remote check-in process similar to a late arrival check-in.
  • Note whom you speak with and get a confirmation number.  Get a backup email confirmation.
  • Keep copies of all pertinent information and payments regarding your reservation.
  • Pay as little down for a deposit as you can. Stay flexible.

ReserveAmerica is the booking agent for most state parks. Be careful. A closed park does not mean an automatic refund from the park, or their agent.

Plan for your safety

covid and summer RV travel shopping safety gear
Costco shopping in my safety gear
  • Follow all safety measures designated by the state you are in. It is your responsibility to know.
  • Stick to your own devised safety procedures. It is easy to get tired or complacent and let down your guard. Don’t do it.
  • Review your insurance policies and be aware of their requirements should you need medical attention.
  • Review all state Covid19 statistics. The numbers can be used as a guideline for determining where a little extra caution may be necessary.

Here is a link to find current statistics. State Covid19 statistics

My portable washing machine is coming in handy. It keeps me out of small cramped laundry rooms and saves considerable money. Read about this rugged little machine in The Laundry Experiement .

Covid and Summer RV Travel

Let’s get rolling. Ken and I are anxious and excited to start our Covid and Summer RV Travel. There are new states and parks planned and, our long-time friends, Kaye and Tim are traveling with us again. The lineup is full of great new adventures. Don’t be discouraged about what you cannot do. Be inspired by what you can.

We hope you stay safe in your summer travels too.

Always Grateful.👫

RV the Olympic Peninsula

The peninsula’s beauty is protected and available for you to explore. Some folks may not appreciate the remoteness but others will revel in what this area has to offer.

Getting to the Olympic Peninsula

This is the second summer we have explored the Oregon and Washington coastlines.  This year we were able to dig a little deeper and RV the Olympic Peninsula, an often overlooked gem.

Bordered by Puget Sound on the east, the Salish Sea on the north, and the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Olympic Peninsula is almost entirely covered by Olympic National Park and the National Forest.  The peninsula’s beauty is protected and available for you to explore.  Some folks may not appreciate the remoteness but others will revel in what this area has to offer.

The primary RV route to the Olympic Peninsula is by scenic highway 101, from either Olympia to the east or the Pacific coast to the west.  However, you can also enter by highway 16 from Tacoma , or ferry your RV in from northern mainland Washington.

The map pictured contains a link to all the areas that are dog friendly. For more information, click the description at the bottom.

Quaint small towns line the shores of Puget sound. Lavender fields scent the northeast breezes. And Ken’s favorite, oyster farms cultivate their bounty in the clean waters of Willapa Bay.  The drive into the peninsula is scenic and beautiful so allow yourself plenty of oooh and ahhh time.

Camping on the Olympic Peninsula Port Townsend

❤️️Honor system veggie stand near Jefferson County Fair campground in Port Townsend

We began our month in the Olympic Peninsula with a move up coastal highway 101 from Long Beach, Washington to the town of Port Townsend, where we met up with longtime friends from Texas, Kaye and Tim.

Located on the northeastern tip of the peninsula, Port Townsend boasts a historic waterfront with fabulous turn of the century architecture. The town is a ferry stop for the Washington ferry system bringing tourists to Port Townsend’s historic downtown and Fort Worden Historical State Park.

What to do in Port Townsend, Washington

Point Wilson lighthouse at Fort Worden

 You can enjoy great restaurants. Stroll or bike through beautiful scenery where deer wander freely through town. Or tour the outer islands like Bainbridge or the San Juan Islands. Take a whale watching tour. You can even take your bike and catch a ferry to Victoria, B.C. for a day trip. 

Water-views from Port Townsend & Fort Worden

There are ample RV sites in one of four locations around the town.  We prefer the quiet of Jefferson County Fair Campground, but waterfront camping and fabulous views are also available at Fort Worden State Park, Point Hudson Marina and RV Park, and Fort Townsend Historical State Park.

Deer grazing at Fort Worden post cemetary

Lift a pint on the deck of Siren’s Pub & Restaurant and enjoy the scenic waterfront. Or visit one of our favorite Thai food experiences in all our traveling at Khu Larb Thai or their Little Rose Takeout.  Good dining choices are available throughout the town.  Port Townsend also boasts an extremely satisfying Jefferson County Farmers Market on Saturdays.  They offer all manner of fresh farm products, entertainment and food.  One other tidbit about this area, Port Townsend has one of the best organic food co-ops that we have found, The Food Co-op.

Port Townsend waterfront shops

Camping on the Olympic Peninsula Sequim

The next stop on our peninsula tour was Sequim (pronounced Sqwim).  We stayed at the Seven Cedars Casino where you are welcome for three days without charge and there are even some 15-amp electrical hookups available.

We stayed the three-day limit and enjoyed their hospitality, gaming and restaurants. It was long enough too to enjoy one of the local farms during lavender festival, Purple Haze Lavender Farm

What to do in Sequim, Washington

If you are considering a trip to the Olympic Peninsula, I would encourage you to time your visit with the Lavender Festival in July.  Blooming fields, live entertainment, lavender flavored everything from margaritas to ice cream and beautiful hand-crafted items.  And each farm offers something different.

Purple Haze Lavender Farm

Another memorable dining experience was the Alder Wood Bistro.  They have an eclectic menu, including pizza.   Of the six in our party, all six were happy with their dinner choices!  A few days later, Ken and I returned for my birthday celebration with another helping of their crispy duck and Shaker Lemon Pie.

Shaker lemon pie – Alder Wood Bistro

Sequim is a good location to position yourself for exploring if you do not want to continue into more remote locations.  There are RV parks available, beautiful scenery and plenty of restaurants.  Sequim is large enough to supply most of your needs.

Camping on the Olympic Peninsula Into the woods we go

As you continue west, there are several options for stays.  However, there is only one town with many supply choices and that is Port Angeles.  We kept moving west but noted there were fewer opportunities for gas or groceries beyond Sequim. 

If you require cellphone/wifi service, proceed with caution as it gets much more difficult to find hot zones.  Our attempt at the Salt Creek Recreation Area was a bust, and since everyone in our tribe required service, we had to say a sad bye, bye to this beautiful and peaceful campground.

We use Campendium to check on cell-service before we travel to a campground, and recommend it. But you can’t absolutely rely on the reviews to be accurate.

Camping on the Olympic Peninsula Sekiu

Our next stop was Sekiu and I’m almost tempted to keep this one to ourselves.  But since our readership is not in the thousands, we’ll share.

Eagle waiting for salmon scraps on Clallam Bay

You can’t go much further west than Sekiu, Washington on the Juan de Fuca Highway, almost to the peninsula’s northwestern most point.  Most of the RVers here have come for one thing.  Salmon.   The salmon swim up the strait to the smaller streams for spawning and the fisherman are there to catch them and fill the freezers they brought along.

Campsites & boat docks on Clallam Bay

Sekiu rests on the western edge of Clallam Bay.  It is a fish camp.  But it is one of our favorite RV stops in this region.  Peaceful and quiet with abundant wildlife, we could even see Vancouver Island across the Strait of Juan de Fuca.   It punches our happy ticket. 

What to do in Sekiu, Washington

Commercial fishing boat in Sekiu

There are several campgrounds available around the bay and most all the camp spaces back up to or overlook the water. We camped at Van Riper’s Resort with full hookups, waterfront sites and a small store. Salmon fishing guides can be hired here too. Verizon service was very good, but ATT was non-existent.

Janet & Kaye enjoying campsite lunch at Van Riper’s Resort

Our time in Sekiu was a wonderful respite and a good location to launch exploration of Olympic National Park.  But the remoteness and atmosphere at a fish camp may not be for everyone.  If it is for you and you decide to go, be aware that there are only a couple of restaurants nearby (one that was not so great) so you will need to bring food and supplies with you.  It is a good distance back into a town.  Wild blackberries abound throughout this region and there are plenty of places to go picking.  We enjoyed blackberry cobbler nightly, courtesy of Kaye.

What to see and do on the Olympic Peninsula

Cape Flattery

A visit to Cape Flattery will reward you with some of the most staggeringly beautiful scenery the continental United States has to offer. It is our northwest most point and is located on Makah tribal lands. Luckily they generously share this beauty with everyone. You arrive to a paved parking area and then hike to the point. It is a 1 1/2 mile round trip hike. Don’t pass this by if you visit the Olympic peninsula.

Restaurant stop on Makah tribal land
tribal cemetery totem

Olympic National Park

Wild lily in Olympic National Park

I’m embarrassed to say that we were enjoying our camping at Sekiu so much that we didn’t get into Olympic National Park as often as planned.  What we did see made us commit to coming back again.  Snow capped mountains (in July, shocking for us Floridians!), glaciers, marmots, and fields of wildflowers including beautiful wild lilies.   It is a precious and spectacular place. 

View from Hurricane Ridge hike
Janet & Ken at Olympic National Park Visitor Center

There are so many recreational activities that anyone can find something to do here.  There are hot springs, challenging mountain hikes, bike paths, and the Hoh Rainforest.  And if camping in State and National Parks is what you love, several are situated on stunning Pacific coastline

RV the Olympic Peninsula Conclusion

Several challenges exist if you are interested in visiting this area but all of them are easily overcome with a small amount of planning.  That would be our best piece of advice.  It is well worth your time to see Olympic National Park and to RV the Olympic Peninsula. Highway 101 is in good condition throughout.  This is not a place you can easily just “wing it”. A little preparation will go a long way toward a fun and memorable experience when you RV the Olympic Peninsula.

Thanks to our friends and travel companions for the summer, Kaye & Tim. It was great sharing it all with you. Always grateful.👫

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Christmas card photos come to life in the Land of Giants.

Previously posted to Facebook on 5/18/18

Our explorations into this big beautiful country keep getting better and better. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks is our first impressions of this special place in the Sierra Nevadas.

A land of giants

Ken said it correctly in an earlier post, we are in the Land of Giants. Every steep hairpin curve upward in the High Sierra brings a new surprise. Spring flowers in vivid shades of purple, yellow, red and white cover the mountainside like colored carpets. Herds of deer glide silently by. Bear forage after waking from long winter sleep. Giant grey squirrels chatter. A Perrigrin falcon coasts through the sky. You are surrounded by multiple, massive, icy cold rivers cascading thunderously down onto rocky faces and through lush mountain meadows. The smell in the air is a perfume no chemist could ever duplicate; it is pine and flowers, fresh clean water and woods.

The clouds touch the mountaintops and dance along the brilliant blue sky, so close you want to reach for them. And under the giant sequoia and pines, where it is dark and shaded, Christmas card photos come to life.

If Yellowstone is the diamond, then Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are the rubies and the emeralds. The Sequoias are Titans wrapped in soft, warm, bark robes, sometimes two-feet thick.

Uncrowded exploration

We have had dumb beginner’s luck and visited here just ahead of the season, with its masses of tourists parading from park-to-park on the weekends; so during the week, we have this playground virtually to ourselves. We hiked for miles and rarely saw anyone. We picnicked alone in splendor.

Mother nature puts on a fantastic show in the High Sierra. Snow is still on the mountaintops, melting and creating waterfalls everywhere you look. Trickling ones, roaring ones, gentle brooks that feed the meadows. And slow, wide, meandering ones. You think you have seen the best. But then turn the corner and your eyes pop because you encounter something even better. A mountain, a budding tree, blossoming flowers, or wildlife.

Get out and GO!

Many of you have mentioned to us that we are living your dream; to go around in an RV or travel trailer and see the country. Ken and I would both say DO IT! Do whatever you can and drag your children along too. Weekends in a van or months in an RV. Do it. You will not be disappointed. The world is big……

Always grateful. 👫

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks have been our favorite National Parks so far. I hope our photos do it some justice.

If you enjoyed our blog and photos about Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks and want to follow our blog, be sure to subscribe below with your e-mail. We will notify you whenever there is a new post.

Lava Beds National Monument

I’m not sure why we didn’t see Lava Beds National Monument when researching our route. The only defense is that you see so many forests and monuments on the map that if you stopped for them all, you would never make it to your destination.

North from Carson City

Our destination after Carson City, Nevada was Bend, Oregon with an overnight stopover in Tulelake, California.  We researched our route and decided on Interstate 395 then across to State Road 139 at Alturas, California.  The thinking was to stay east of the greatest elevation changes until the last possible minute and thereby save on gas.  Our route choice was a good one and we made the very happy discovery of Lava Beds National Monument along the way.

map route to Tulelake, California near Lava Beds National Monument

I’m not sure why we didn’t see this park when researching our route.  The only defense is that you see so many forests and monuments on the map that if you stopped for them all, you would never make it to your destination.

We cruised up the highway, enjoying the sight of snow blanketing the forest floors.  In the back of my mind, though, I kept wondering, did we move into the mountains too early in the season?   And hoped that the answer was…it’s fine.   We were nearing our overnight stop in Tulelake when the sign for Lava Beds National Monument appeared on the side of the road in what seemed the middle of nowhere.

The sign indicated that it was 16 miles to the park and, as we were ahead of schedule, floated the idea of heading there to look.  We decided to continue to our overnight stop and try to include a quick visit before we pulled out for Bend.

Tulelake, California
View from campground at Tulelake-Butte County Fairgrounds near Lava Beds National Monument
Tulelake campground

Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds is a Passport America Park.  If offers full hookup campsites in a lush, green, grassy area that is off to the side of fairground buildings and backed up to farm fields.  This is a self-pay park and can still be used if you are a late arrival.  Although there are not a lot of dining options nearby, it is a lovely and peaceful place to rest for a couple of days.  There was a Visitor Center on the fairground property, though we didn’t go in.  Happy with our camping site in Tulelake, we decided to stay two nights and see what was nearby.

Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge
White pelican floating on water at Tule Lake Wildlife Refuge near Lava Beds National Monument
White Pelican

Our first stop was the Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge.  After driving around on dirt dyke roads, through acres of sweet potato farm fields, we decided that this place would be what we call “an armadillo roll”, as in, roll on by.  We did see our first ever pheasants with their beautiful plumage and, funny to us as Floridians, white pelicans.  If you are into birds, then you may love this place.  Various, huge flocks were floating, flying, and fishing in the waters.

Lava Beds National Monument

We used the second half of our day to drive into Lava Beds National Monument.  Ken and I figured to just do a quick drive through look.  Wow!  We are sorry that we didn’t skip the wildlife refuge and just go straight to Lava Beds.

Acres of diverse volcanic features vie for your attention in the Great Basin High Desert.  Hikes, wildlife and battle sites also abound but the show doesn’t stop above ground.  Of over 700 caves in the park, twenty five of them are marked and open to exploration. 

Ken hiking out from Skull Cave at Lava Beds National Monument
Skull Cave entrance

The caves are graded from easy to difficult and are yours to explore on your own.  Yes.  That’s right.  These caves are open for you to explore completely on your own.  To make sure that you have all the equipment necessary, you must first stop at the visitor center and obtain a pass.  There the rangers will brief you on safety and equipment, you will be screened for white nose syndrome and helped with what caves may be suitable for you.  You will need;

  • A helmet (bike helmet will do)
  • Flashlight (can be borrowed from visitor center)
  • Suitable warm clothing/boots
  • Gloves
  • Water

There is something otherworldly about being in a cave all alone.  It really isn’t for the faint of heart but is something that I feel privileged to have done.  We went into Skull Cave where you descend, down and further down, about eighty feet, until you reach the ice floor at bottom.    And the temperature change is dramatic.  We were freezing down there. 

Janet at lava tube opening in Lava Beds National Monument
Lava tube opening

We hiked back to another cave for an attempted entry but felt that it was too steep for our capabilities.   Even though we couldn’t go in that cave, it was a beautiful hike, late in the afternoon.  We were treated to deer foraging for their evening meal and some beautiful sunset colors in the sky.

We will be back

This is one of the places that we are kicking ourselves for not knowing about and planning more time to spend exploring.  There is a small campground at the park.  Although beautifully situated It does not provide hookups and only has a couple of spots suitable for RV’s over twenty-five feet.  However, the Tulelake-Butte County Fairgrounds was nearby and has full hookups.

Tule Lake Monument

In addition, after we left the area, we found out that Tulelake, California was also the site of a Japanese American internment camp and prisoner of war site.  This site is now memorialized at the Tule Lake Monument. This monument would be of particular interest to our family because Ken is half Japanese.  The only way to tour the buildings at this site is with a Park Ranger and can be arranged at the Park Visitor Center located at Tulelake-Butte County Fairgrounds.  The very place we stayed.

Klamath Falls Lake & Crater Lake National Park
Joey in the mud at Tulelake-Butte County Fairgrounds
Joey finds a mud puddle at Tulelake-Butte County Fairgrounds

The proximity of Klamath Falls Lake and Crater Lake National Park (about 1 ½ hours), makes Tulelake a great basecamp for exploring an activity rich area.  I’m really sorry that we didn’t research our stopover more fully but very happy to have stumbled on it.  Lava Beds National Monument alone is worth the visit but everything else is icing on the travel cake.

Always Grateful👫

Ten Things to Know Before You Go RVing

Are you considering the full time RV travel life?  The research and preparation can be overwhelming.  Read below for ten things to know before you go RVing.  Maybe you will find a pointer or some advice to make the transition a little easier, or what to expect when you get there.

1. You need a hobby
Cat in a crochet hat
Bitsy models crochet

And it has got to be one that doesn’t take up any space.  We arrived in Oregon earlier this year than last, which has been great!  We got to do some playing in the snow that Ken and I had never done before.  But what we did not know is that between the snow melting and the sunshine starting, it is cold rain.  Lots of cold rain.  When we started out, I envisioned constant motion, hiking, kayaking, sightseeing.  I did not envision being stuck in this teeny, tiny RV for one week solid.  With bad tv service.  And worse internet service.

I am rediscovering crochet now.

2. You will gain weight

Okay.  Obviously, some of you will be better about this than we are.  But Ken and I can’t resist a good restaurant and we are always on the lookout for our next awesome meal.  Staying on budget helps but unless you cook every meal at home, it’s difficult to stay on a healthy, well-balanced, diet.  There is just sooooo much good food out there.  Even the farmer’s market sparks my inner Julia Child.

This is a tough one for us and if you have any coping strategies, please comment and share.

3. The festival will be the week before or the week after you are there

We have the freedom to move and go wherever we would like.  But there is much to consider when you move on to a new location.  It takes research.  You research the roads, weather conditions, where you will stay, what is there to do, and last but not least, where will you resupply.  Oh!  And budget considerations too.

Janet and Ken sitting at tractor table
Oregon State Fair

It is great when a festival or fair, an event or celebration coincides with your visit.  But basing your travels on these events is difficult at best.  Most towns don’t do a very good job of marketing their events.  So, a search doesn’t necessarily bring them to your attention.  We have just missed tickets for events that we would have loved to attend, have been unable to get RV park reservations for a nearby event, or just didn’t know in time to make changes to our schedule.

We keep an event calendar of things we have stumbled upon and may want to return for in the following year.  There have been a few festivals that occurred while we were there.   But it isn’t easy.

Is there is something you have your heart set on?  My advice is to plan, plan, and plan well in advance.

4. You won’t have your favorite brand unless you stockpile it.

This is a tough one.  We do not like doing without our favorite products.  And we have discovered even more of them while living on the road. But you will not always find your favorites.  Thank goodness it is Walmart that stocks the best RV toilet paper on the market, as they are everywhere.

While we don’t have room to carry everything, we do add a little extra in some cases.  It makes me sad at times, frustrated at other times, but is a small price to pay for all we have gained.

If you must have it, make a place for plenty of it.

5. Cooking takes more organization in a tiny house

I used to love organizing the week’s meals in my stick-and-brick house.  In love with my refrigerator, my world was good when the vegies were prepped and ready to go on its shelves.  The pantry overflowed with any dry good or spice needed to express myself through cooking or trying a new recipe.

rv meal of steak salad with glasses of cider
Farm to Table Steak Salad & Hard Cider

Not so much anymore.  Each prep step is performed in a small space and must be cleaned before I can move on to the next step.  Each ingredient has been established to be a crucial item if placed onboard.  Each meal is planned and crafted for ingredients and time.  The meal planning and organization skills that I honed when living in a stick-and-brick are coming in handy.  It used to be a feeling of satisfaction, but now it is crucial to getting us fed a healthy, well-balanced meal.

If you are planning to move into a tiny home, start by putting away your pots and pans, your dishes and utensils, now.  Learn how to cook with less and how to organize more.  It will be great training.

6. You won’t need half the things you think you will

Releasing your possessions to move into a tiny home is hard.  If you have a vision about what your new life will be like, that is a good thing.  You need the visualization of your new life to help you through the process of letting go.  But be aware that what you visualized may not be what it’s like (see first item You need a hobby).  So, bring that blender along because you will be drinking margarita’s every night, take those fishing poles that you have never had time to use.  And tools, don’t forget all the tools you will need.  You know, to fix things and build things.

We still laugh about a few of the items that we brought along with us and continue to let go.  I’m not saying don’t bring them but be aware that you will have to figure out how to get rid of unwanted stuff on the road.

7. Everything you need will be in the outside storage
Ken removes storage box from basement storage of Bigfoot rv
Ken in the basement

Do you need pet meds?  They are in the outside storage, below.  Need those other boots?  Also, down below.  Extra fruit that won’t fit in the fridge, it is down below.  See what I mean?

This problem is directly proportional to the size of your RV, but I’m sure it is universal.  We just don’t have all the space that we would like.  It happened in our stick-and-brick home and it happens here.  All I can say is, try to remember what you need before ten ‘o’clock at night.

8. Personal standards will slip

I can hear you now, denying that you will let things start slipping.  But most of you will. 

RV Socks

I cannot count the number of women in RV parks who have decided to quit covering their grey.  A particularly scary sight was a woman pumping gas into her RV wearing pink fuzzy slippers and what looked to be a housecoat.  Shaving every night gets a little difficult when you have a tiny shower and limited hot water.  Personally, I am still trying to decide where loungewear is acceptable in public.  It is very comfortable in the RV, and I don’t want to take it off.

How about mealtime?  I hate paper plates but have been sorely tempted to use them just to make my cleanup a little easier.  And fresh is best,  but I find I am using more dried herbs because there just is not enough room to have it all.

But my biggest surprise… getting your hair done.  You are never in the same location. So, unless the plan is to keep coming back to your stylist every six to eight weeks, you are at the mercy of someone new.  I have had a couple of questionable stylists, which is why, I think, so many women in RV parks have given up and are letting their grey grow out.

9. People living in RV’s are strange

You will be the only normal ones.   But be prepared to meet some of the nicest people around.  Ken is an introvert and even he has come home with information or help gleaned from the other campers.  It’s a great group of people and most everyone loves to share what they know.  We have learned of great places to visit, to stay, and even had fresh trout given to us by a fellow camper who had extra.

Keep an open mind and remember that you too chose this lifestyle, so maybe normal is relative.

10. One cellphone provider will not be enough

This point is simple enough.  One provider is not enough.  It does not matter if you have Verizon.  Or AT&T, or T-mobile, or, fill-in-the-blank.  Ken and I have different phone providers, and a third hot-spot provider.  Even then, we sometimes have no service and must go to Starbucks, or McDonald’s, or other establishment offering wifi. 

Research this one thoroughly, as it can have a huge impact on your budget.

You’ve got this

These are the ten things you should know before you go rving.  We understand it is hard to process, figuring everything out before you move onto your RV.  But relax, give yourself plenty of time to make the transition, and do not worry too much.  There is always a store to buy it in, always a friendly person to help you, businesses that are catering to this lifestyle and, if all else fails, the internet to help you figure it out. And the reward is worth it.

Always Grateful. 👫

The RV Laundry Experiment

Always a pet peeve of mine, laundromats are not where you want to spend your time and money.

Laundry is a difficult task when you live in an RV. Some of the large RVs have a washer and dryer on board, but when you want to stay small and manageable as possible, you don’t get that option. So, laundromats are the de facto option. Sigh… This prompted the RV laundry experiment.


Always a pet peeve of mine, laundromats are not where you want to spend your time and money. The equipment does a poor job, it’s often dirty, and can cost $20.00 and up just to do a few loads. At hundreds of dollars annually, this is an expense the budget conscious can avoid.

Last year, we were learning the ins and outs of this RV lifestyle. This year, with a little experience under our belt, we are learning how to economize.

Portable washing machines
Washer used in the RV laundry experiment

Ken and I did a little research and for about one hundred twenty dollars, found a small washing machine. Made from plastic and light weight, it agitates in one compartment and then you transfer to a spinner compartment. It’s a lot like doing wash in an old time wringer machine. (Which I have had the great fortune of doing when I was newly liberated from my parents home. Thank you, Grandma.). The process isn’t hard. You fill the tub. Agitate the desired amount. Transfer to the spinner. Then repeat for the rinse.

It Works!

I am overjoyed with the results. The portable washer is able to do about one-third to one-half of a regular size load, and takes about half an hour to complete all the steps. The agitator is strong enough to get my clothes completely clean, and I even have the choice of normal or gentle agitation. Currently using it outdoors, but if necessary, the washer can be placed in the bathtub and used inside.

Portable clothes rack mounted on RV ladder

We added a portable collapsible clothes hanger for about eighty dollars. It will hold two loads of laundry for drying.

So, it looks like the RV laundry experiment is a success. The portable washer has been used for three weeks now. The water and electric are provided by the RV park for the wash, and we use solar power for the dry. After about a ten week payoff for our initial investment, our laundry will be free.

What a sweet word that is.

Always grateful. 👫