RV Life Became Surreal

The Aura frame sits silently, automatically changing the view every five seconds.  First, a wildflower strewn meadow and flowing creek … flip … a thunderous and glittering waterfall …flip … giants called Sequoia trees that smell like life and command reverence … flip … acres as far as the eye can see of washed reds, pinks, blues, and greens in the Painted Desert … flip … a fog shrouded art deco bridge along the rocky Oregon coast … flip … acres of flowers pop with color in an Iris Garden … flip …

Were we really there?

  • RV Life Became Surreal
  • RV Life Became Surreal
  • RV Life Became Surreal
  • RV Life Became Surreal
  • RV Life Became Surreal
  • RV Life Became Surreal

Memories of RV Life

Our RV life became surreal. The only proof is in our memories and the digitally shifting pictures on the Aura frame. There was a modern day journal too. Armadillo Tails, a blog page, shared when filled with gratefulness of life still lived and enthusiasm to share our travels.

perched on her bedroll throne
Our little Reef Fish

Ken and I were back-country canoe campers in the early years of our relationship. Most weekends would find us somewhere on a river or at least looking for a new one to paddle.  The memories are fading as well as the old pictures printed from 110 film cartridges.  He remembers some events, I remember others.  The pictures are harder and harder to find.  Then we had another daughter. The canoe was too small so we purchased a sailboat and continued making memories with both our girls. My wish is we had kept a journal of those wonderful canoe and sailboat trips.  It would be a reminder for our oldest daughter, who as a three-year-old perched on her throne of bedrolls, made memories of rope swings and alligators, clear tannin-stained rivers, and large-mouthed bass. And for our second daughter, of being rocked to sleep by the gentle lap of waves on the boat hull at night and days in the sun, skin turning golden while she snorkeled the reefs of the colorful Florida Keys.

Our Country in Chaos

By mid-March of 2020, along with the rest of the country, our lives became chaotic when Covid halted us at Medina Lake RV Campground in Texas.  Here we must give a shout-out and thank you to Thousand Trails.   Other full-timers struggled to find an RV park amid closures and varying state laws. Thousand Trails members, currently in place, were able to stay.

 Pandemic information and state rules changed weekly, so after three months, we made safety plans and with our small but mighty tribe, left Texas to continue traveling. 

Armadillo at Lake Medina

Hard Decisions

Life was brewing chaos for Ken. His doctor said he needed to return to South Florida for surgery.  We made arrangements and returned in October of 2020, spent the holidays with family then moved back into our stick and brick to prepare for Ken’s surgery in January of 2021.

Janet and Ken Stand next to piano
A piano, RV life, and goodbye

Did I mention we moved back into our stick and brick home? A Piano, RV Life and Goodbye was posted to the blog as we prepared for Ken’s convalescence. The decision to move back into our home was a good call.   He could have never come back to the Bigfoot (our class C RV) for a recovery that required the first month in an assisted-lift recliner. His recovery continues as I write this post. New full-time nomads often ask, “What about medical care while you travel?”.   Our answer, you need to plan and prepare for all contingencies because life can quickly go sideways.

Joey, older but still playing

The housing market was on fire, and it was a good time to make repairs and put the house up for sale.  In addition, we were anticipating the birth of a new grandbaby and knew continued travel would require a larger coach for an aging pet and his parents.  With plans made, we felt good about how all these happy events would play out.  And they did.  Albeit not as easily or happily as we anticipated and not on the projected timeline.

RV Life Became Surreal

Even in the best of times, these life events would be challenges.  Add that life is one big curve ball to plans and expectations, throw in a little Covid lockdown, and it explains our current state of wonder about how RV life became surreal and the explanation for why we are still in Florida, sitting in our new coach, looking at amazing pictures flip past on a digital screen.

Were we there?

Yes, we were there!

Armadillo Tails’ blog is there to re-read and remind us of the feelings and emotions, the mouthwatering restaurants, stunning views, and the experiences we had while traveling our big, beautiful country.  I am happy to have chronicled the journey. And sorry to have stopped.

Going Forward

Ken and I will remain in Florida for the rest of this year and polish off the details of the major changes to our lives.  We are learning about our new coach, spending precious time with grandbabies, healing, and organizing for retirement.  The plan is to travel again. But we want to start with peace of mind about our health, our new to us Newmar diesel pusher, our family, and our future life plan. 

There hasn’t been much time to write throughout all this chaos and change.  Maybe that is an excuse, maybe not. Our memories will start remembering less. But digital photographs, with newer technology, will help us. It seems important to start again.

We look forward to marking off a few from the bucket list, as Armadillo Tails explores our fabulous home state of Florida and readies for further travels. Until the next post…we are…

Always grateful 👫

Edit.  Bitsy and Butter, our feline fur babies, both suffered a fatal cancer diagnosis and are no longer with us. We miss them both.💔

Laissez les bons temps rouler!….Let the good times roll!

Does New Orleans live up to all the hoopla?

Ken and I have started out the new year on the road with our first stop in 👑New Orleans. Probably not the best choice when you have vowed to do better on your budget and your diet🎺🎶🍽 but it was in our path, so who could resist?

Does New Orleans live up to all the hoopla? We only stayed for three days but I’m all in. New Orleans is older than our country, filled with restaurants that have created (and continue to create) iconic foods such as Oysters Rockefeller, Bananas Foster, Po’Boys and Gumbo and overflowing with fantastic old buildings. If you are a foodie or history buff then NOLA is a must.

From NOLA, we continued west. There was a frightening experience in Vidor, Texas where we tried to overnight at a Walmart. We still aren’t sure what the motive was but we were harassed and followed out of town at 1:00 am. FYI: The police are little help until an actual crime has been committed. We didn’t feel like waiting around for that to happen. So, we followed our instincts and left. Thank goodness The Burrow was refueled before our stop and we were able to get far, far away from Vidor, Texas.

Our next stop was with long time friends and family in Austin. We love Austin and even though it was a quick visit, it was like old times with friends Tim & Kaye who were generous enough to let us driveway surf.

Other than a cold front that forced us to spend a couple of days in Van Horn, Texas and another stop to visit family in Scottsdale, we made an uneventful trip back in to Las Vegas (our West coast base).

So, here we go again. New adventures are calling. A little more RV savvy, a little less stressed and a lot more certain that this is where we want to be.

This year we intend to focus on economizing our travels. So stay tuned. We’ll be writing about some of the measures we are taking (including more boondocking 😬) and how effective they are. And, of course, we will be sharing photos of our stops and flops.

Always grateful. 👫